『【輸入盤CD】【新品】Kemel/Kemel / Vlci Stopy【K2021/11/19発売】』はYahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!)でから出品され、754の入札を集めて11月05日 10時 58分に、3,814円で落札されました。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。即決価格は3,814円でした。岡山県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークションでした。
Though he is better known as a caricaturist and author of cartoons (regularly published throughout the last three decades by most of the major Czech daily newspapers), he has alongside developed a very colorful music career which stands miles apart from his work in humor. He has three albums under his belt as singer and songwriter and has authored scores of songs and lyrics on various aspects of the world disclosing his own take on life. In the poetry of his lyrics and the simple melodies of the songs, Kemel comes across as either an introverted solitary performing on the guitar or accordion or as a charismatic front man of his own band in which actor Vladimir Javorsky has also played a central role. Kemels new album VLCI STOPY (Wolf Trail) originated out of a first-time collaboration with producer Petr Ostrouchov and Blue Shadows band who also have met on Vladimir Mi?iks two latest albums. Besides Ostrouchov, who has co-authored some of the albums repertoire, it features guitarist Josef ?tepanek, double bassist Jaromir Honzak and drummer Martin Novak, as well as guest-vocalists Vladimir Javorsky and Marie Puttnerova. Kemels new album brings a collection of authentic songs and uncomplicated stories with are endowed, however, with overreaching meanings and implications, all in a lively and riveting performance by a group of experienced studio musicians.
発売日: 2021/11/19
レーベル: Animal Music
コメント:Though he is better known as a caricaturist and author of cartoons (regularly published throughout the last three decades by most of the major Czech daily newspapers), he has alongside developed a very colorful music career which stands miles apart from his work in humor. He has three albums under his belt as singer and songwriter and has authored scores of songs and lyrics on various aspects of the world disclosing his own take on life. In the poetry of his lyrics and the simple melodies of the songs, Kemel comes across as either an introverted solitary performing on the guitar or accordion or as a charismatic front man of his own band in which actor Vladimir Javorsky has also played a central role. Kemels new album VLCI STOPY (Wolf Trail) originated out of a first-time collaboration with producer Petr Ostrouchov and Blue Shadows band who also have met on Vladimir Mi?iks two latest albums. Besides Ostrouchov, who has co-authored some of the albums repertoire, it features guitarist Josef ?tepanek, double bassist Jaromir Honzak and drummer Martin Novak, as well as guest-vocalists Vladimir Javorsky and Marie Puttnerova. Kemels new album brings a collection of authentic songs and uncomplicated stories with are endowed, however, with overreaching meanings and implications, all in a lively and riveting performance by a group of experienced studio musicians.
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